MONADNOCK® MOLLE MOLLE Double Cuff/ Spare Cuff Holder

424 8730
16.99 €
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available in: Zentrale
Delivery time 2 - 5 working days

Material: Polymer
Now available, the MOLLE Double CuffTM/Spare CuffTM Holder securely mounts to a users vest, belt or go bag providing the advantage of having Double and Spare Cuff restraints readily accessible.
The MOLLE Double Cuff/Spare Cuff Holder increases safety by allowing officers to deploy Double Cuff and Spare Cuff restraints with one hand, while also maintaining contact and control with the other hand.
Made of durable and lightweight polymer, the MOLLE Double
Cuff/Spare Cuff Holder is designed with a MOLLE mounting system and can hold six double/spare cuff restraints.
424 8730

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